Electronic Lodgment Portal
Online switch for Submission of Development related Applications
From 1 July 2021 the following list of development related applications and post consent certificates (where Council is the appointed Principal Certifier) must be, by law submitted online to Nambucca Valley Council through the NSW Planning Portal.
- Development Applications (DA)
- Application to modify a DA
- Request to review a DA
- Complying Development Certificate Applications
- Construction Certificate Applications
- Occupation Certificates Applications
- Subdivision Works Certificates
- Subdivision Certificates
- Building information Certificate
Please Note: The applications listed above will no longer be accepted in any other method than through the NSW Planning Portal from 1 July 2021.
How do I lodge my application?
To submit an application through the NSW Planning Portal, you will need to register and verify your account. If you already have an account, simply login.
When submitting an application through the NSW Planning Portal you will be required to upload accompanying documents to support your application.
A Duty Planner is available each business day from 11am to 1pm to answer general enquiries regarding the planning process, development proposals and the construction phase. The Duty Planner can be contacted on (02) 6568 2555 or in person at Councils administration centre at 44 Princess Street, Macksville between these times.
Need help Submitting Your Application?
We recommend that you use the NSW Planning Portal's Quick Reference Guides for initial guidance on using the Planning Portal.
For technical issues regarding the Planning Portal you should contact Service NSW’s Support Service.
If you have hard copies of your application and are unable to convert to an electronic version, Council has scanners at both the Nambucca and Macksville public libraries which can be used free of charge. Council staff at the administration centre can scan your documentation for you and send it to you via email at a cost of $80.00.
What happens after I lodge my application?
Pre-Lodgement vetting
Once you submit your application it will be vetted to ensure that it meets the requirements for lodgement.
Section 50 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 specifies how a development application must be made. Schedule 1 of this regulation lists the information that an applicant must submit with their application before it can be accepted by Council.
After your application has been checked and it has been decided that it is suitable for lodgement you will be required to pay the associated fees. The relevant fees are set out in Council's adopted Fees and Charges. The application is not taken to be lodged until such time as all required information has been supplied and required fees have been paid.
Rejection of applications
Please note that Council can reject development applications under the provisions of Section 51 of theEnvironmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 within 14 days after receiving it if the application is illegible or unclear as to the development consent sought, or does not contain any information, or is not accompanied by any document, specified in Part 1 of Schedule 1 of the Regulation,
An application is taken, for the purposes of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, to have never been made if it is rejected under this Section.
As such, please ensure all required documentation is submitted with the development application.
Submitting additional information after your application has been accepted
If additional information is required during the assessment of the application, Council will send a request to the applicant through the NSW Planning Portal. The submission of the additional information must be through the NSW Planning Portal.