Business Papers

Ordinary Council Meeting

Council holds regular Ordinary Council meetings twice a month.  Meetings commence at 5.30 pm and are usually held on the last Thursday of each month AND on the Thursday two weeks before the last Thursday meeting.  Meetings are held in the Council Chamber at Council's Administration Centre—44 Princess Street, Macksville (unless otherwise specified).
Members of the public may attend but are subject to the latest Public Health Order and Valid Reasons for Leaving Home. (We don’t require a reason for Leaving Home)
Please refer to

Request to Speak on an Agenda Item

Council permits two speakers "in support of the recommendation" and two speakers "in opposition to the recommendation" on any one agenda item. 

Each speaker has five minutes to address the meeting.  Council has the opportunity to ask questions after each address is completed.  Requests to address close at 11.00 am on the day of the meeting. Please complete the Application to Address Council or alternatively, phone Council on 6568 2555 if you would like to speak on an agenda item.

Request to Speak in Public Forum

Residents are able to address Council in the Ordinary Council Meeting's Public Forum on any Council related matter not listed on the Agenda.

Each speaker has five minutes to address the meeting.  Council has the opportunity to ask questions after each address is completed, but speakers cannot ask questions of Council.  Requests to address close at 11.00 am on the day of the meeting. Please complete the Application to Address Council or alternatively, phone Council on 6568 2555 if you would like to speak in public forum.

For Councillors

If you would like to submit a Notice of Motion or Question with Notice for an upcoming Council meeting, please use the link below.

Councillor Notice of Motion/Questions with Notice


Council Meeting Audio Recordings

Council audio records all Council Meetings and the recordings are posted on the website once the Minutes are released. Please note that the audio files could be quite large and may take a while to download.


Meeting Webcasts by Date - MP3 Audio

Ordinary Council Meeting
25 July 2024


Ordinary Council Meeting
27 June 2024

South Arm Hall Council Meeting
11 July 2024

Ordinary Council Meeting
30 May 2024

Ordinary Council Meeting
  13 June 2024

Ordinary Council Meeting
24 April 2024

Ordinary Council Meeting
16 May 2024

Ordinary Council Meeting
28 March 2024

Scotts Head SLSC Council Meeting
11 Apr 2024

Ordinary Council Meeting
29 February2024

Ordinary Council Meeting
14 March 2024

Ordinary Council Meeting
18 January 2024

Ordinary Council Meeting
15 February 2024


Ordinary Council Meeting
30 November 2023

Ordinary Council Meeting
14 December 2023


Ordinary Council Meeting
26 October 2023

Ordinary Council Meeting
16 November 2023


Ordinary Council Meeting
28 September 2023

 Eungai Soldier's Memorial Hall Meeting
12 October 2023


Extraordinary Council Meeting
7 September 2023

Ordinary Council Meeting
14 September 2023

 Ordinary Council Meeting

17 August 2023

Ordinary Council Meeting
31 August 2023

Audio Webcasts commenced 12 Dec 2019
MP3 files are removed after 12 months
** Recording has redacted sections